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Ballroom Bonanza

Keyboard Set Registrations for Korg Pa5X, Pa4X and Pa1000
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Take to the floor!

Inspired by the UK's 'Strictly Come Dancing' and the USA's 'Dancing With The Stars', PaX Magic 'Ballroom Bonanza' brings you the best of ballroom dance music in an easy to use format.

There are 120 keyboard set registrations perfectly matched to the key ballroom styles found on the Pa4X and Pa1000. Each ballroom style has its own set list with 12 registration tiles. You can easily create instant arrangements by just tapping the screen as you play. The selection on the screen also changes the style variation, creating the perfect balance between melody and accompaniment.

Because they cover a wide range of musical styles these registrations can be used for many different pieces, not just for dancing. But, if you do play for dancing this collection will prove a valuable addition to your performance, instantly providing some fabulous new registrations – all at your fingertips.

Includes special extra folder for the MUSIKANT version of the Pa4X allowing direct folder access to correct styles.

Includes 12 fabulous registrations for each of the following styles:
Cha Cha Cha, Foxtrot, Quickstep, Tango, Paso Doble, Viennese Waltz, Rhumba, Samba, Jive, Slow Waltz. 

Special Bundle Deal


To help you take full advantage of the PaX Magic range I have also introduced a special bundle price for all seven products. Save up to £68.93 by buying the full collection.

Available for Pa5X, Pa4X and Pa1000 the Keyboard Set Registration collection includes all seven PaX Magic products: Ballroom Bonanza, Big Band Showcase, Drawbar Organ Showcase, Classical Spectacular, Famous Names, Theatre Organ Showcase, and Classical Organ Showcase.

* Update includes the original software painstakingly transferred into the Pa5X ready to use. It carefully maintains the integrity of all the registrations, voices and styles and gives much better access to all the keyboard set registrations than simply using the built in Pa4X to Pa5X conversion.

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Update (from prior Pa4X or Pa1000 purchase only)*

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© 2016-2023 Bee Software. Korg, Pa5X, Pa1000 and Pa4X are trademarks of Korg Inc.

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